We had a family gathering and I baked three Rhubarb pies since we all have our personal favorites. Try them all and decide for your self......mine is rhubarb cream. The other two had even ties. I wouldn't know I didn't get to taste them, sigh.

This is truly a wonderful crust, I always always have success with it.

5 cups flour

pinch of salt

1 lb of lard or shortening, chilled

1 cup of cold ginger ale or 7-up

Mix flour and salt, cut in the lard and pour in the ginerale. Try not to over work the dough and have all the ingredients cold.

If you make a one crust pie, put it into the pie plate and chill before baking. Make at 375 for about 12-15 minutes or it has reached the desired color. (it helps keep it from shrinking).

Double 9" crust rhubarb pie filling;

2 tbsp. flour

1-11/2 c. sugar

2 eggs

1 tbsp.butter

mix and pour over 4-6 c. rhubarb (cut up strawberries are always nice added as well)

Brush top of crust with egg or cream, sprinkle with a little more sugar and bake at 425 for 10 minutes on bottom rack then at 350 for about 40-45 minutes.

Cover top of pie with foil if it is getting to brown to ensure rhubarb being cooked.


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