- 2 tablespoons yeast
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1/2 cup lukewarm water
In a large bowl, put the yeast and sugar and add the warm water. Let stand until it poofs .. .about 10 minutes.
- 1/2 cup of soft butter
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2 tablespoons of instant potato flakes
- 1 cup of hot water
In another small bowl, stir together the butter, salt, potato flakes and the hot water. Let this sit while the yeast poofs.
Add 1 egg to the butter and potato mixture. Then .. .add to the yeast.
Add 1 cup of flour at a time stirring well. Continue to add enough flour to make a soft dough. You will need about 4 - 5 cups of flour. Knead until the dough is smooth. Put the dough into a greased bowl and let rise. . covered until double. . about an hour.
- 1 cup of large cut oatmeal
- 1/2 cup of brown sugar
- 1/4 cup flour
- 1/4 cup melted butter
Combine the crumble mixture. In 2 9X13 pans. . .line with Parchment paper. Divide the crumble mixture between the two pans.
When the dough has finished rising. Roll it out to a rectangle 20 X 10. Spread a bit of butter on the dough and sprinkle with blueberries. I didn't measure how many blueberries, but I likely used about 2 cups. Next time I will lay the blueberries down a little heavier. . Roll up jelly roll style and mark the dough into 24 pieces and cut with a sharp serrated knife. Lay the rolls on top of your crumble.
Cover and let rise again about an hour or until nice and puffy and double.
Cream Cheese Icing. . .4 tablespoons cream cheese, 2 tablespoons soft butter. . .2 cups of icing sugar and enough cream to make a nice smooth icing. I add a 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla.