butter soup

Butter Soup. . .pronounced. . . . "bu .. tta soop" (as in book) I really think this was one of the clinchers in obtaining a marriage proposal .. my mom made it. . his mom did not.

I've learned to make it and every now and then we have it for a treat for our lunch.
It really is a poor persons soup. It can be gussied up by adding some smoked meat but really . . . .it tastes quite nice as simple as it is. If you love noodles, there is a good chance you will like this. Did anyone else ever have this growing up?

Butter Soup
  • 8 cups of water
  • 1 large onion
  • 6 medium fresh potatoes. . with the skin left on
  • 1 large bay leaf
  • 5 whole cloves
  • 8 peppercorns
  • 1 star aniseed
  • a handful of fresh parsley

  1. Bring water to boil, add the onion and the large diced potatoes. . .simmer 15 minutes.
  2. Add all the spices but the parsley . . wrapped and tied in cheesecloth. Let simmer another while you make the noodles.
  3. Add the chopped parsley to the soup separately from the cheesecloth.

  • 1 large farm fresh egg
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  1. Stir together the egg water, salt and stir in half the flour and then dump it onto the counter and knead in the rest of the flour. You may need a little more.
  2. The way my mom did it and I continue to do it. . I cut it into strips, and with a clean scissor, I cut noodles, some small and others a bit bigger. No need to be perfect here. Doing it this way, you don't add a lot of extra flour into the soup.
  3. Stir the noodles into the soup, bring to boil and boil a few minutes until the noodles are done.
  4. Ladle it into bowls, and put a dollop of butter onto the top, serve with a bit of fresh cream.

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