Oma's Glazed Chocolate Cookies

Oh, I'm sooo excited to share about the wonderful day I had with my Mom yesterday, I'm shaking inside! My family has been bugging me for a long time that I NEED to learn how to make Oma's chocolate cookies and perishky! I bake pretty well anything else, but I've played ignorance with some of her specialties because I just want to enjoy them when she makes them.
It was so cute how she was almost giddy about me taking pictures of her while she was doing what she knows how to do best! Now, I'll post the cookies first. I'm excited to have figured out how to do these collages to save picture space and I hope they make sense.
The Perishky are coming later . . . I do need to get away from this computer for a while and do life as well . . . Oh, and these cookies are the best cookies to take camping because they keep so well. Good Luck and don't be afraid to ask questions because I may have missed something.

  • 1 cup butter
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup honey
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 5 cups flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp soda
  • ½ cup cocoa
  • ½ cup milk
  • ½ cup whipping cream

  1. Mix butter and sugar, stir in yolk and then honey well.
  2. Add combined dry ingredients alternately with milk and cream.
  3. Refrigerate overnite.

4. Roll pieces of dough into long 1 1/2 inch thick rolls and slice (approx 1 inch slices).
5. Form into balls and bake at 375F about 12 -15 min.
6. Cool. Frost with sugar glaze.

Sugar glaze:
  1. Beat 1 egg white and set aside.
  2. Bring to boil 1 cup sugar and 1/4 cup water and cook on med heat about 3-4 min until “slimy looking” or syrupy.
  3. Pour syrup into beaten egg white, while beating, and continue beating for a few minutes, until you can form stiff peaks.
  4. Scoop some glaze up with your hands and coat each cookie, first bottom and then top.(If glaze is cooked too little it will be very easy to coat, but harder to dry.
    If glaze is cooked too long, it dries quickly and doesn’t go on as smooth. It helps to wet your hands)
  5. Place on waxed paper until glaze dries.
  6. Store in ice cream bucket in cool place or freeze. Yield: 6 doz.
(My mom adapted this recipe from the Mennonite
Treasury Cookbook, (1962) page 171)

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