German Pancakes 101

Pancakes. When you think of pancakes is it the flap-jack style? Silver dollars? Crepes? When I think about pancakes the ones that come to my mind are the pancakes of my childhood. They are very thin with crispy edges, yet soft enough to roll up with delicious fillings in the middle...and as large as a dinner plate! They are sublime. My kids love them and would happily eat them daily if I let them. Plain ole fluffy pancakes do have their time and place but these are so good that I want to share them with you.

1 1/2 cups flour

1/2 tsp salt

3 eggs

2 cups milk

Whip with a whisk

This is a double recipe You must use lots of butter for each pancake you make

Pour about 1/3-1/2 a cup of batter onto a fairly hot skillet (non stick will not work)

Spread batter by tilting pan

Flip pancake with two forks when it look like this :)

And then let it cook on the other side just a wee bit longer

They are really good with just syrup
Another way to enjoy them is rolled up with cottage cheese and fruit Dig in!

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