Char, another gal from MGCC was so gracious to give me this recipe..I am honoured to share it here, with her permission of course. It is a unique and interesting jam..I would have never thought to put these ingredients together. You are right Char..this jam is very good on scones! And on toast or freshly baked buns..

These are the ingredients you will need:
6 cups cut up rhubarb
1 cup water
3 cups sugar
1- 540 ml can of blueberry pie filling
1- 6 oz raspberry jello powder
...as I said this is a unique recipe. Never thought to put these together did you?
Over high heat boil rhubarb and water till the rhubarb is soft stirring the whole time, this takes only a few min.
Add 3 cups sugar and blueberry pie filling, and bring back to a boil. Turn down heat to med high and boil for 8 min.
Remove from heat and add the jello powder.
Ladle into pre-washed and still hot jelly jars.
Yields: 31/2 500ml jelly jars

Here it is a bubblin' away in the pot. It is good to use a tall pot as the jam tends to splatter as it cooks..I used a tall pot and I still got some splatters on me and on the wall. I use a red floral bibbed apron when I make jams and jellies just so I stay clean and the stains never show on the apron!
It is really a very simple jam to make so go ahead and try it..just make sure you have fresh scones ready!
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